Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fox Meadow Pups and their kids!

A child needs two things in life, a dog and a mother who will let them have one -anonymous
"Finn" and his girl
The dog was created specially for children. He is the god of frolic. ~Henry Ward Beecher

Fox Meadow Trommari spends a playful Sunday morning with his boy! These boys are certainly growing up together, Trommari is almost as big as his best buddy now!
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down. ~Robert Benchley

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Viking Herder puppy

Fox Meadow Jolasveinn meets one of our yearling rams Fox Meadow Gryphon for the first time today after we finished shearing; and lays down some ground rules for him
Alright everybody get moving, you too Pembrooke!

I said stay right there!

Don't even think about moving or maybe it was don't make me come back there!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fox Meadow Snaefinnur taking on Agility

Fox Meadow Snaefinnur and his "Mom' are setting out to do some puppy agility and By Golly - I think the little guys got it!. He's doing incredible for a 12 week old little guy! He is now known as "Finn" at home, the call name chosen especially to come out quickly in a competition.

Go Finn!

Finn in "the pause box" looking to his person for the cue to be released!

Fox Meadow Snaefinnur "Finn" and the weave poles

Finn looks like he really is enjoying himself and his new found talents, as you can see the "jump" is very, very low. Puppies should be at least 12 months old before they begin really doing jumps allowing for their growth plates to close to prevent joint damage. Finn is able to just trot over the jump while still learning to move between the poles.

Fox Meadow Bjölluhljómur and her "Black Sheep"

Bjalla's really growing up! She looks so much like her half Brother Runestone Toblerone!
Bjalla and her own personal Black Sheep Odinn the Bernese Mountain Dog! Her family sent us a little update on Bjalla
Bjalla has became a very big and happy girl and she LOVES Odin. Bjalla is always playing with Odin and our cat Ockey. Bjalla has been doing a GREAT job on herding the family together.
Odin is teaching Bjalla the ropes an is a great play mate too! I have taken and eddited these pictures myself especially for your blog. Im going back to pet Bjalla now (bye)

"Bjallas boy" Ryan

A boy and his dog -Trommari

I've been so very lucky to find such awesome families for Elsie and Kaffi's puppies . Trommari has a an incredible little boy to grow up and experience knew things with and a couple of awesome adults who just adore him. They work with him daily at obedience and say he's is really coming along well mastering downs, stays and is rcalling really well.
I hope to see them at the Altoona PA. Gathering, maybe he'll be ready for his Canine Good Citizens test!
YAY! Trommari and Friends